Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jumbling Towers

Aici puteti asculta..:)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mix semnat BORU :)

N-am umblat cu asa ceva pana acum, considerand ca ce pun intr-o seara aia ramane in amintirea oamenilor si cu urmatoarea ocazie vor reveni sa ma vada punand muzica dinnou.
Dar iata ca tre' sa intru intr-un sistem putin mai "profi" ai am facut un minimix..un mini sample mix..un moood de mix...un..whatever..
Il puteti asculta AICI

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Who's this kid??

Noiembrie 2005 la Inrocks Festival....>>>>>

Monday, November 12, 2007

Katie Sketch & Mermaids oct. 2007

...inerc sa nu ma aprind prea tare pana nu se confirma.Cert este ca dupa despartirea celor de la The Organ, se pare ca K.Sketch revine pe scena.


A aparut pe 1 Oct. al doilea album al lui Melanie Valera aka Tender Forever.
Mai jos un eshantion pacifist cu o coregrafie demna de atentie..:)

Underlondon day 1

am fost si in a doua zi dar nu prea mai era nimic de pozat.
Poate doar pe Camil, dar pe el il mai vad...:)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Good Night Electrelane...

"We have decided that the upcoming gigs will be our last for the foreseeable future. After ten years of much fun and hard work, we have realised that we all need a break and time to do other things. This was a tough decision for us to make, but ultimately a positive one.A big thank you to everyone who has come to our shows, put on our shows, and bought our records over the years. It means a lot to us. We're really grateful to have had the opportunity to play gigs all over the world and to meet so many lovely people. This last year has been especially enjoyable and we feel happy about moving on with all these good memories to look back on. At the moment we haven’t made any band plans for the future, but we’re going to have a break and see what happens.



Incep sa am senzatia ca toate trupele pe care le ador si pe care reusesc sa le vad in concert, se despart cateva luni dupa...Asta deja devine o adevarata drama. Dupa The Organ ramasesem cu Electrelane. Sper sper sper ca este doar o pauza si nu un final.
Sper ca nu voi afla luna viitoare ca se despart si Arcade Fire.
Sau poate nu, ca nu am apucat sa ii vad in concert inca.

Mai am totusi o sansa la Electrelane pe 29 noiembrie la Londra (Yuhuuu Londra, yuhuuu Electrelane...:(..good night Electrelane..zic good night sa nu zic good bye..)

Saturday, November 3, 2007